The Bookbirds at Jazzahead! Bremen, April '14
By Kato Bookbird
We spent five days in Bremen visiting the Jazzahead!, meeting old and new friends. This sums up how I feel: awestruck, overwhelmed, and my neck is sore from craning and cricking it so much! So much fun enjoying this happening with Ralf. Some impressions:
Getting into the spirit for our first day at Jazzahead! First thing I've been told: "What are you doing here? You should be in Hollywood!" - Leo Feigin
Meeting Ab Baars & Ig Henneman. Thanks to Charlie Crooijmans for sharing this picture with us:
Kato Bookbird's brochure published for this years Jazzahead! Edition. Thanks to all for the positive feedback!
First concert being announced, Lillinger's Grund! The one we enjoyed the most:
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