Arashi's Album, "Semikujira," Out Now! Band To Tour in May 2017
By Kato Bookbird
Like Peter Brötzmann, Sakata combines reed fire with a strained, chastened lyricism and a tone that is always instantly recognisable whatever the register. His vocal parts are extensions of his instrumental playing and his version of a Japanese traditional theme shows how close he is, albeit ambivalently, to that source. There's very little jazz in this free jazz. — The Wire
Semikujira is a major new addition to these musicians already vast discographies, and one of the most satisfying listens of the year so far – a powerful, thoughtfully constructed work that blends familiar but disparate musical dimensions into a convincing whole, while preserving the spontaneity of instant creation. The same qualities are mirrored on the cover artwork, an apparently traditional illustration (by Sagaki Keita) that on closer inspection reveals a quirky, irreverent world of strange creatures. Highly recommended. — Free Jazz Blog
Semikujira er blitt en strålende manifestasjon på hva disse tre musikerne kan utrette når de møtes på scene eller i studio. Berthlings bass-spill og Nilssen-Loves trommespill, passer perfekt sammen med «kamikase-flygeren» fra Japan. Dette er tøffere enn toget, fra start til mål, og bør nytes på høyt volum (som jeg har gjort i kveld, mens naboene forgjeves prøver å få med seg finalen i Melodi Grand Prix…). — Salt Peanuts
Tags: Arashi, New Album, Vinyl, Semikujira, Akira Sakata, Johan Berthling, Paal Nilssen-Love, Trost Records
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